WERQ Dance Fitness raises thousands of dollars for Bright Pink
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, WERQ Fitness rallied a team of instructors to raise money for Bright Pink for the second year in a row. Bright Pink is a national nonprofit organization that creates education and events aimed at preventing not only breast cancer, but ovarian cancer as well. One of Bright Pinks’ missions is to help reduce risk factors for breast and ovarian cancer via exercise. Enter WERQ!

Each year Bright Pink hosts a FitFest wellness event to bring together a community of fitness instructors to celebrate all the teams who help fundraise and to share stories about women who have conquered cancer. Team WERQ Like A Diva was there to WERQ it out with a day full of exercise, inspiring stories, and to whip a few pink hair extensions
around. Benny the Bull started the party, and WERQ wrapped it up with a 60-person WERQout taught by Fitness Formula Club WERQ Instructor, Jennifer Dahl and WERQ Fitness Owner, Haley Stone.
But the dancing and fundraising didn’t end with the FitFest. On October 4, 2015, the second annual WERQ Like A Diva Party raised $1,500 in one night. Seventy WERQaholics gathered at the Park Center Health & Fitness for a WERQout inspired by pop and hip hop divas like Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and Katy Perry. Check out the epic playlist here. Complete with a photo booth, raffle prizes, WERQ Like A Diva T-shirts, pink Gatorade, and a pink hair extension bar by Tracey Green, the WERQ Like A Diva event brought smiles and swagger out of everyone in the room.
Out of 98 fundraising teams, WERQ Fitness placed #9 and raised $7,643 (compare to $5,000 last year) for Bright Pink.

WERQ Fitness would like to say THANK YOU to:
• The Team WERQ Like a Diva fundraisers: Sharon Robinson, Melissa Bullock, Ashley Hogue, Marnie Wilcox, Lisa Cohen, Galit Rosenblat, Molly Gaynor, Missy Vacala, Marie Piotrowski, Bianca Barash, Camilla Chachko, and Brooklyn Farillo
• Park Center Health & Fitness in Glenview for donating studio space.
• Fitness Formula Club for hosting FitFest.
• Bright Pink for selecting WERQ as a sponsor.
• Tracey Green for the hair extension bar.
• All of the wonderful friends and family who donated this year!
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